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If you are a CCI member

and you are diagnosed with cancer, we will guide you through the admission process to KHCC (without going through the process of accepting or rejecting your case medically).

  • Members have guaranteed and exclusive cancer treatment coverage at KHCC, one of the top cancer centers in the region. No other insurance provider in Jordan offers guaranteed treatment at KHCC.
  • Members have the right to keep receiving treatment until their coverage ceiling is exhausted, but they cannot renew their CCI membership afterwards.
  • CCI covers second-class accommodation at KHCC

You are welcome to visit our offices or call us to start the insurance procedures immediately.

Location: Um Othaina, Al Koufa Street, Building 57

Phone: +962 6 55 44 970 Ext. 186 -203 -187

What to Bring

  • Your pathology report
  • All other medical documents related to your diagnosis, including a report from KHCC’s Early Detection Clinic
  • National ID (or passport for non-Jordanians)

Coverage Verification

CCI will verify your eligibility for coverage and, if you are found to be eligible, CCI will send an official letter of coverage on your behalf to the Patient Affairs Office at KHCC. You will be provided with a copy of this letter.